Mrs. Simpson's Classroom Blog

Bright Young Minds

Creek PBL Presentation Day





To “kick-off” Presentation Day, we asked that Keith and Ricky, from McClellan Ranch Reserve, to come see the proposals from our wonderful students. Keith started by speaking to all the kids before they began their presentations.



The kids were so excited to see Keith and Ricky at DeVargas. It was a great way to bring authenticity and a public audience to the project.

The students were up next, they had their models complete, their opinion papers printed out and displayed, and they were well practiced. All of the guests moved from group to group and listened to each of the groups’ proposal.

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In addition to Ricky and Keith, we invited 4 other district employees to come and help give feedback to each group. Most of these people came out to see the students in 2nd grade for the Levi Stadium project and for our 3rd grade Theme Park project last year. Each guest commented on the growth the students had made. Their voices were clear and their ideas were well researched. It was so great to hear such wonderful feedback of the tremendous growth our kids are making!

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